Friday, April 20, 2012

April 20: Two Days Stateside, Awaking To The Dulcet Tones of The Next-Door Construction Site

So here we are again, back in the states. I would've titled this post "In A State of Confusion," but the 4/20 jokes are just too easy. Honestly though, it's a little hard wrapping my head around everything that's happened and realizing that it wasn't actually all one big dream. The construction sounds from next door are just as permeating as ever, so at least some things didn't change.

First up, sorry about the typo on Wednesday - not only is "meetnig" supposed to be "meeting," I wasn't even "meeting" anyone but it was actually just "interacting" but in a tired, warped state. Derp.

As of today, I've been stateside for just over 48 hours. It's a little weird how easily I've fallen into life here, but some things do feel incredibly odd - my bed is gigantic, even the small coffee mugs are too big, being in a car instantly makes me feel out of control, and just being on the other side of the river makes me feel isolated. Granted, the two nights I've had here have been filled with Kasteelan dreams, so just sleeping and waking up surrounds and then removes me of friends: the first, we were all actually at a summer camp instead of just joking about it, and last night we all had our Farewell event at an underground establishment ("U Sudu?") that then turned into a five-story Houses battle with Nerf guns.

Wednesday was, as expected, indescribable. After a solid 10 minute nap, I called goodbyes out the window to Mel and Lucas (they left early) and then somehow managed to haul my two nearly-overweight bags down the stairs, one only on my right shoulder (which is still a little bruised); the kitchen had strawberries at breakfast for once, so that was a veritable Hunger Games on its own. Fully loaded with two wheelie bags, the lulu bag, and a purse, we passed in the keys to our parallel universe and crossed the moat for the last time. The amazing staff - OSA, cleaning, and kitchen - who had taken such good care of us the whole semester had lined the bridge to send us off, accepting teary hugs and wishing us all the best of luck in our endeavors. On the bus, Emily was playing around with her Pooh bear and telling us the story of their first meeting - exhaustion really brings out the best in people, I have to say.

Cozied up in my highly stylish UMD sweatpants, Kasteel Spring 2012 tee, and Amsterdam hoodie, I fell asleep almost immediately after we hit the highway. I'm pretty sure I was the only person without fitted pants (that includes jeans, leggings, and jeggings) and my god did that work in my favor. +2 hours of sleep. Grand total: 2 hours, 10 minutes. Score.

This time, since Robbert and Dojna had picked us up, Johnny and René dropped us off. As such, we stood outside for a good five minutes that we didn't really need to and then didn't quite know what to do regarding self-check in, bag check-in, getting to the other kiosk a few halls away to pay for our extra bags, and then getting back to the group (/whether or not we were even supposed to go to the other group).
Cue rainstorm.

We each hugged René and Johnny, getting words of advice and jokes from our adventures - Johnny had to crouch to my height and I promised René to always sing for the night bus in his honor and we had a short duet in the middle of Schipol Airport, like this sort of thing happens every day. Basically, I was trying to laugh off the fact that I won't see these crazy guys for a very long time. Honestly, something I really regret now is not getting closer with OSA, particularly during some times when I knew I needed someone to talk to about various problems but didn't let myself let anyone in. Frankly, that was selfish - maybe I don't hurt as much now that we're apart, but that's also a team of relationships that I kept up a wall against and essentially just let slip.

But then I said goodbye to Michelle. She was one of my biggest surprises at the Kasteel and from what I can tell I was a pretty big surprise to her too. She was going on a different flight, so we probably won't meet up again until the fall. Honestly, I have no idea what country she's in right now but wherever she is she's making it a blast.

Now then, something funny: as any international traveler knows, you have to go through a passport check before security. We all fell into line, the same physical space as when we went to Madrid but emotionally on a completely different plane, and wound our way up to the desks. Then, my turn.
"Morning!" (don't mind the puffy eyes, sir, my body's kind of got a lot going on today)
"[checking the passport, boarding pass, receipt - stamped!] Okay, have a good day."
".... HAHAHAHA!"
"Wait no what? What'd I do? I just said thank you! Did we cross into Germany when I wasn't looking?"
The world may never know.

Walking along with a small group, we suddenly realized that we were already at the gates, not security.
I beg your pardon?

Although we initially thought that we had just bypassed security at an international airport (uh...), it came to pass that actually each gate in Schipol had its own security line. Genius in many ways, except that unfortunately there was no duty-free shop on the other side - just chairs, the gateway, and a wonderful bridge that actually - get this - went over the tarmac directly to the plane door. Talk about a novelty.
Fun fact: the security guys at Schipol have a sense of humor. One of the girls had her wand in her carryon and took it out for security. One of the workers picked it up, looked at her, and then... started casting spells.

Piled around each other in a giant mess of snacks, internet, bags, and emotionally exhausted students, we waited for around 10 minutes to start boarding. I felt a weird pull at my thistle necklace while putting my scarf back on but didn't think much of it.
Five minutes later, I realize that I lost it again.
Erin: "Jeez, aren't you the one who keeps losing jewelry?"
"... Yes."
"Didn't you lose that one already?"
"... Yes."
"What superlative did you get, most likely to lose things?"
"No, most likely to pop, lock, and drop it."
"HAHA that one's pretty perfect though. Sorry about your necklace!"
"Well... I mean, I did drop it, so..."
Luckily, someone found it and we were reunited after a short 10 minutes. Yay Delta!

Sticking to our pre-agreed Siesta Fiesta plan, within two minutes after takeoff I was fully reclined and iPoded up with noise-canceling headphones. A great deal of time later, I woke up thinking we had reached Boston.
Nope, four more hours to go, so...
Grand sleeping total: 6 hours, ten minutes.

So then I did what any sane person would do and watched the first two Harry Potter movies. The plane even fed us! We didn't do anything and we all got drinks and a sandwich and ice cream anyway!

Just before landing, we were all frantically brushing our teeth and trying to plan our first meals and witty lines back in the US. We stood around a sweltering customs line in all of the layers we didn't dare pack into already-stuffed bags, explaining that "yes, multiple bags of stroopwafel were totally necessary" to the check-in workers (I said my food was just stroopwafel but completely forgot the pindakaas, nutella, mixed nuts, bag+ of candy, and 14 packets of instant soup also packed. Oops)

Reunited with our bags, we wheeled through another passport check and through the doors I remembered so well from last year, waiting on the other side for Katie's return. The first thing I saw?

Dad's beard.

He and Mom came to pick me up, complete with a bouquet of hot pink tulips. I took another eight minutes running through the crowds hugging people and we got to the car, me waving and singing at people as we went. Back home, first things first: lunch of various salads (<3), then a quick doctor run, unpacking the first bag, and starting on laundry. Dinner at 6pm brought my adventures to a full circle with egg in the hole and bacon, the same I had for breakfast on departing day. Mom ran off for volunteer work, Dad kept me awake until 8pm, then after my first US shower in months I crashed into bed, falling asleep around 9.

At 4:50 I woke up fully rested. The solution: bathroom and go back to sleep.

At 9am (Apr 19), my day started, prepping for a trip into the city for Mom's iPad drama, reunions for me, and lunch at Max Brenner's on Boylston. Suddenly, I could understand the people on the street and not need to get excited about catching bits of English conversations; once I got to the Emerson campus, I kept thinking that any English I heard was from a Kasteel kid right behind me. Nope.
On my way to the EDC, I ran into Emily F from the suite; we talked for a few minutes and let each other get back to our actual trajectories. Life being what it is, a tour group was walking directly beside me as I went into the LB.
"Oh, now this is a cool building!"
Lady, you have no idea.

I saw a black ponytail and pair of glasses peeking out over a computer and then the both of us threw protocol to the wind and dashed forward, colliding into one of the tightest hugs I'll probably ever have. Then I'm just standing there, in the middle of the EDC, with my head in my best friend's shoulder, on the other side of a window from a fairly sizable tour group, and suddenly my breath catches and I'm crying and it's all horribly dramatic but it's also true, and Ally is right next to me returning equipment and we hug too, and I realize now that even though my first year at Emerson was frankly a disaster I wouldn't have gotten any of these people or experiences or knowledge or even turned out the way I have if I hadn't stuck my heels in at this school.

About six bouts of hugs and explanations later I head back to meet up with Mom, as on time as the Hohenboken gene allows, now equipped with a certified Alivan's wand - not kidding - courtesy of Katie. Pat was (hopefully) joking around that I make myself useful and get him a coffee, but as I was already late and not on the clock...

The Asian salad at Brenner's absolutely hit the spot and I got to catch up/trade a few Kasteel stories with Danni while she was working. Cue dinner party plans.

Since I was hanging out with mom, our next stop was shopping, then home to seal 333 envelopes for her volunteer group before a celebratory welcome home/have a safe flight dinner with Dad. My body is still immensely whacked out from the trip and as such I couldn't enjoy the amazing dinner as much as possible, but another 9+ hour rest is getting me re-situated to Boston time.

Now, at 4:25 on April 20th, I'm sitting on the floor of my bedroom with my bed and Fatboy covered in stacks of clothes (unpacked, freshly laundered, reunited, and donation) and a package of stroopwafel at my side. My parents are running around packing for Vegas/Utah and I'm still reeling from the reality of Spring 2012, never mind how independent I'll be for the next stretch of time. There are so many things to do I don't know what to start first.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

April 18, Day 90: Heading out with a bang, sob, and zip

So it's 4:15am in de Kasteel, a mere 45 minutes before our departure. My bags are packed, at 47 and 48 pounds each (how did that happen?!), and my carry-on has never been so light - granted, now I know what I actually use on planes instead of all the maybe-stuff I bring just in case. The last fifteen minutes were spent watching Friends and saying goodbyes to Mel and Lucas, the half hour before that a stargazing memory with Emily and Taryn. Today's been a rush since room checks started at 12:30, with a tree planting at 5:15, a magnificent 6pm dinner at Stefan's bed & breakfast "a short walk" up the road, 8pm photo-revealing, 9pm Farewell concert, bidding goodbyes, and back to packing.

First up, the "bang" part:
Last night, Monday April 16th, was our last American Night. Let's just say that it was a night to be remembered by many - YOLO all night with a side of no shame.

This is better split into two separate parts: Sob I and Sob II, where Sob I is directly after American Night and Sob II is farewell.

Sob I took me out at the knees from the moment we got back from the Linden. I did get some sleep, but overall it was troubled times for many.

Sob II took the castle by storm primarily during and after our Farewell concert - before the show, everyone was joking that they wouldn't leave etc, but after Farewell everyone seemed absolutely prey to their emotions (myself included).

Zip: fairly self-explanatory. Again, don't know how I got the extra poundage but I have it nonetheless. There have been more people asking on my luggage scale in the last five hours than I thought possible. It's cool meetnig them though!

There really aren't words to explain this place and the effect it really had on me as a person.
That said... Kaseteel Well, you'll be in my heart, now and forever more.

Friday, April 13, 2012

April 13, Day 86: ... Wait I'm sorry what



I'm sitting in my room trying to catch up on uploading photos - I know, there are much more important things to do (like study, write papers, or pack) but eh - and everything hits me. This entire experience is wrapped up in just 90 days. 90. That's it. It's been more of a life education than probably anything I've learned at Emerson so far (no hate, former professors, but actually). True, some of my classes have had off days, but even those have taught me that it's sometimes necessary to, and how to, deal with things that I don't like. There's no way to have not learned something from every moment, good or bad, that I've had.  Maybe I have no idea what this pasta dish is or what that sign means or exactly how far it is from Venlo to Well but I sure will by the time this experience ends and I'll know whether or not I like it. The miles of walking, stumbling, dancing, biking, singing, drinking, chasing, eating, playing, barely sleeping, training, talking, bussing, and flying through Well, Venlo, Amsterdam, Prague, Lucca, Firenze, more Well, Madrid, Barcelona, Porto, Rome, Belgium, a free-range monkey zoo, a little more Amsterdam, and Budapest have left me with friends, pictures, accessories, blisters, memories, and most of all stories. I'm less scared of not knowing where I'm going, but at the same time I feel like I'm heading in an actual direction now.

I don't know. Everyone's getting crazy here, not to mention sick (my body is rebelling with an ingenius multi-ambush strategy: canker sores, sore throat, cold, & blisters). I've been calling it Castle Fever, which it kind of is: stress for finals, not wanting to care about finals, packing, last hurrahs, excitement for home/summer, sad about leaving, Castle Cup battles, the President Pelton visit over the last two days... we're all going absolutely nutty and it's honestly nice to have other people on the Crazy Train. I'm trying to take everything with a grain of salt - I mean, we are Emerson kids, we're all a bit overdramatic - but while this next transition isn't hitting me the way it's been hitting a lot of people, leaving here is going to leave a giant space that I don't know how to fill. Granted, it may never. Just like everywhere I've ever lived, each place has given me something (childhood memories, intercultural experience, realizing that I don't function in certain temperatures, understanding and earning respect of my independence, some of the best friends I'll ever have) and they've taken something away. As it is, I kind of feel like a patchwork quilt constantly being edited and added to. Pieces are lost, caught on edges, ripped, or cut out; pieces are sewn into my identity and while the patterns may fade, it's well-stitched into who I am now.

Anyway, just to try catching up on my travel blogging, let's talk about how much I love Portugal for a minute.

Despite the €50 fee RyanAir threw at me for an "oversized bag" at the gate (meaning they let too many people in with oversize bags and we were at the end of the line), Porto is probably one of my favorite cities this trip. Because I'm lazy, here's a quote from an email I sent my mom back on March 14th (what's a month):

"When we finally got there, Porto was unbelievably perfect and I want to go back forever. The people, the food, the temperature, the city size, the food, the beach, the ice cream, and oh my god Francesinhaaaa also known as the most terrifying but delicious sandwich in existence. Damn that food was good. Would you believe I didn't take a single food picture all break? Bizarre. There was this one steak cut that they don't have in America that even Mom would've loved, although granted it was from the fattiest part of the cow (and thus the most delicious). "

To those who have never experienced the wonder of a Francesinha, it's a meat sandwich (like, 7-8 kinds of meat) between two giant slices of bread, covered in molten cheese, and set in a tomato-beer broth. We were so hungry we all forgot to take photos, but our amazing hostel receptionist, Fabiana, told us about the café down the road with "best sandwich in the world but it's a calorie bomb so be hungry." Not my photo but this was lunch/breakfast that day, sorely needed after a long night and longer morning:

Richard, close your mouth.
After an accidentally long nap, we set out for dinner and meeting the Yes Hostel quartet (Alyssa, Jackie Z, Suzi, and Laura). Between the francesinha and the steak that night my cholesterol levels could've hit the moon, but hopefully the antioxidants in the cinnamon sangria - yes, you read that right - did a number on that. A girl can dream. Their hostel had a pubcrawl going, so despite our exhaustion we tagged along. Prague was better, for many reasons, but our leader was hilarious - when we were leaving the last club at a mere 2something AM, Mel (I think) told her we'd been out until 4:30 that morning in a different country. "What?! You guys are superheroes!"
... I mean, we are though

Everything about the city is perfect. Well, except the part where I can't speak Portuguese, but we finagled around that. And the really steep hills, those weren't fun. Funny later, yes, but at the time, no. We spent Saturday walking around the beach (a perfect beach morning, if I may), then walking around the city, finding towers to climb and Flourish & Blotts to wander around. (Yes, as in the actual film set for F&B. !!!!!) No inside pictures, of course, but I stood where both Tom Felton and Kenneth Branagh stood for the Chamber of Secrets. Yeeee!

I just realized, we probably could've had me pose inside with a photographer outside. 20/20 hind vision...

Saturday night, Mel and Lucas went for a nice dinner in Gaia across the river, and I had a classic Bekka experience of trying to meet up with the other four girls without phone service (meaning I got lost, found myself, and then we just missed each other on their way to give up and just go to dinner and my way to meet up with them for dinner). Oops. The 40-ish hours we spent there were not nearly enough for me and I fully intend to go back sometime in the future. On the flight back, I was having none of RyanAir's sass and tied my three biggest scarves together as the most ridiculous circle scarf anyone's ever worn. What can I say? Looking silly > paying another €50 for a lie.

That said, it's studying/paper-writing time. Onward!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

April 2, Day 75: But Actually My Life's Been Like Trying To Hold On To A Torpedo

Sorry guys, I had to do something for April Fool's Day.

Anyway, the last time I updated was from my bed (for the weekend) at Miss Kate's in Belgium. This time I'm updating from my bed at de Kasteel in Oudland. What can I say, I'm a fan of tradition with a spin.

At this point, school is getting into major crunch time. In the next two weeks, I have: papers (2 final papers, a summary, and a response), a presentation, loads of reading, and upcoming exams. Meanwhile, tomorrow night is Castle Cabaret, an activity that has had little to no face time on Kasteel Koffiehuis so far but beyond oodles of attention outside of the internet (not counting facebook for organization, all as well it should be). My life has been a lot more IRL than online lately and while it's been a year since my media fast, the inanity of bumbling around on my favorite websites has lost a lot of its magic.

I'm part of the production team for that, so two weeks ago was an 8pm-3am time span of auditions and casting; now we've whittled it down even more, but it looks even better for it. I'm choreographing one piece (Strongest Suit) officially, which I've just found today is going to be the finale so no pressure there obviously, and directing another piece (Take Me Or Leave Me), which has been a bit more dependent on my leadership than I initially bargained for. That's life though, so why not roll with the punches?

Other than those two behind-the-scenes parts, I'm also performing in When You're Good To Mama as a backup dancer, in Strongest Suit as a backup singer/dancer, and an Avenue Q piece as a (basically) soloist. Things have been a bit busy, but others have it way more stressful - Lane is the overall Director/Producer along with performing in several pieces and Olivia has a 7 minute song to choreograph (along with other performing/directing roles on top of that).

As is it, I just got back from rehearsing WYGTM and SS. It's 1:30 here but I will finish this post.

I know it's been almost a full month now, but back to The Spring Break Tale.

First up, I definitely got some of the details wonky on the last update, but that's what storytime back home is for. Somewhere in this big Spanish mess (I think Sunday) I went flamenco dancing (not just flamenco bar-ing) and had one of the best simple chorizo sandwiches I'll probably ever have.

Monday, March 5

The Trip

After lunch, we went to the bus station to get our tickets ahead of time. Unfortunately, every single ticket was gone. Well, there were four, but Alyssa and her group of (grand total) four got those. With a hodgepodge group of me, Mel, Lucas, Tim, Sean, Najah, and Z, we trekked and searched our way around the various Madrid transport systems until we found an overnight train to Barcelona. Long story short, exhausting but funny (mostly from my inability to speak Spanish). My trio got back to the hotel around 6, helped Tim make sangria for our dinner picnic, then (after I ran for food) the 7 of us talked in the park until 10pm, then shipped out for the train station. We ran into Scott and Candace, settled into the train and as I was lucky enough to land a single seat by the window, I passed out for the next 9 hours of travel. There was definitely some train drama but it barely woke me longer than 5 minutes at a time.

Tuesday, March 6

We found our respective ways to our hostels, ours being a bit infuriating as it was a sister location to the actual checkin, then dumped everything on our beds and found lunch at the sushi place down the road.

Yup, sushi. With noodles. Guess where the owner's from? Brazil. Guess what she speaks? Portuguese.

But I just started learning Spanish AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH

Granted, this helped me get used to Portuguese for the last few days of Spring Break in Portugal, but it was quite a womp moment at first.

We got situated, changed, and headed out for exploring, only to run into Lane, Emily, Alessandra, and Riley on La Rambla; the rest of the day was spent wandering around the harbor, Arc du Triomph, and sitting in a park (with a gorgeous fountain!):

Afterwards, our groups split up so Emily and I could see the Picasso exhibit - we dropped by a scarf shop called Princess on the way, a very good store if I say so myself - and the exhibit was absolutely fantastic. It was mostly his early work, Blue Period, and an entire two/three-room spread of his take on Las Meninas. Emily and I broke off to go freshen up before the night started, and I (for once) made it back on time with no horrific turnarounds on the first try. We found a reasonable restaurant and met up with the huge Hostel One group to go to this big jazz club where some of the people got to just go up and play. Lucas, Mel and I were all tired, so we called it quits fairly early on and crashed asleep in minutes.

Wednesday, March 7th

We woke up relatively late - around 9am - and got ready for our upcoming Walking Tour of Guell.

Let's just say that I have a new favorite person. Well, kind of two, because our tour guide Katarine was fantastic and we spent nearly the whole walk geeking out about structural symbolism and numerology and all of these weird conceptual things that I'm into.

Sagrada Familia Nativity Façade
Crucifixion Façade
 After lunch, we paid the €11 to actually go inside the basilica. Needless to say, it was astonishing.

Inside the Sagrada
What we didn't realize is that the ticket also allows you into an underground museum, with hand-drawn sketches of the Familia, blueprints of its completion, a chart explaining the numerology board on the Crucifixion façade, and Mr. Guell's tomb.

Dinner that night was delicious KFC (last time I said KFC, I meant Burger King), followed by the El Gato Negro rock bar. Said rock bar had a very special drink, a drink that started my night in a very interesting way: The Queen B*tch, a shot of absinthe and tabasco sauce. Lucas suggested it, as it was on the cheaper-shots menu, and frankly I don't suggest it to most people. The bartender was quite amused by our reactions. Next up, Chupitos ("Shots Bar"), with the menu written out on the wall. Our method of picking a drink: close your eyes with your finger on the wall and walk until someone says "stop". I had a very strange selection of drinks: The Bin Laden, [some inappropriate phrase in Spanish], a Harry Potter, and a S'more. One of the house drinks was the Monica Lewinski - that one requires a full storytelling, so I'll save that tale for the curious and brave of heart.

By now, Mel was untired enough to want to go clubbing, but we struck out and wound up walking home for a good 1.5 hours. Creepy stuff happens in Barcelona after 3am.

Thursday, March 8

We woke up a bit better on time and ventured out to see the famous Park Guell. I say famous even though I'd never heard of him or his gardens before. Again, gorgeous:

After lunch, Mel and Lucas went off to the big soccer stadium and I got some time (read: shopping time) to myself. Two scarves (one at an unexpected 30% off) and a set of earrings later, I'm a happy woman.

We went walking - not sure why, anymore - and stumbled onto what we were pretty sure were the clubs the Sushi owner had tipped us off to earlier. That was horrible passive tense, sorry.

Two hours later, we're on the guest list for one of the clubs, my laundry's being washed/a thorn in everyone's sides. Thanks to quick thinking, I made a backup outfit in about three seconds. Thank you, multiple shades of black, how you doin?

We stopped at [The Fairy Forest] on our way out, then walked back to Opium for the night. We didn't even need a cover charge.

While we were at Opium, suddenly there was a guy with a kind of glass violin playing in the middle of the stage. So I dodged into the crowd to see him closer. I met a lot of people that night (some good, some bad), but even though we were out until 4:30am and the drinks are €10 a pop... dancedrunk!

Correct, we did not get home until 4:30. I fell asleep at around 5:00. Up at 7 to get the bus.


April 1, Day 74: Walk Like An Egyptian

Wow, it's been such a rush of activity! I just got back from an amazing weekend in the land of the Pyramids - it was wicked expensive, I almost got run over by a bus and on Friday I had a dash of heat poisoning but all in all what an experience!

But first, a little history:

The Prehistory of Egypt spans the period of earliest human settlement to the beginning of the Early Dynastic Period of Egypt in ca. 3100 BC, starting with King Menes/Narmer.
The Predynastic Period is traditionally equivalent to the Neolithic period, beginning ca. 6000 BC and including the Protodynastic Period (Naqada III).
The dates of the Predynastic period were first defined before widespread archaeological excavation of Egypt took place, and recent finds indicating very gradual Predynastic development have led to controversy over when exactly the Predynastic period ended. Thus, the term "Protodynastic period," sometimes called "Dynasty 0," has been used by scholars to name the part of the period which might be characterized as Predynastic by some and Early Dynastic by others.
The Predynastic period is generally divided into cultural periods, each named after the place where a certain type of Egyptian settlement was first discovered. However, the same gradual development that characterizes the Protodynastic period is present throughout the entire Predynastic period, and individual "cultures" must not be interpreted as separate entities but as largely subjective divisions used to facilitate study of the entire period.
The vast majority of Predynastic archaeological finds have been in Upper Egypt, because the silt of theNile River was more heavily deposited at the Delta region, completely burying most Delta sites long before modern times.[1]

  • Neolithic, from 11th millennium BC
    • c. 10,500 BC: Wild grain harvesting along the Nile, grain-grinding culture creates world's earliest stone sickle blades[2]
    • c. 8000 BC: Migration of peoples to the Nile, developing a more centralized society and settled agricultural economy
    • c. 7500 BC: Importing animals from Asia to Sahara
    • c. 7000 BC: Agriculture—animal and cereal—in East Sahara
    • c. 7000 BC: in Nabta Playa deep year-round water wells dug, and large organized settlements designed in planned arrangements
    • c. 6000 BC: Rudimentary ships (rowed, single-sailed) depicted in Egyptian rock art
    • c. 5500 BC: Stone-roofed subterranean chambers and other subterranean complexes in Nabta Playa containing buried sacrificed cattle
    • c. 5000 BC: Archaeoastronomical stone megalith in Nabta Playa, world's earliest known astronomy[51]
    • c. 5000 BC: Badarian; furniture, tableware, models of rectangular houses, pots, dishes, cups, bowls, vases, figurines, combs
    • c. 4400 BC: finely-woven linen fragment[52]
