Thursday, February 9, 2012

Day 21 (R): Packer's Block

Alright, so that moment I never thought would come (or rather hoped would come in another month at least) has arrived.

I can't decide what to pack.

For some imbecilic reason, I neglected to pack more warm-weather clothes, assuming that winter would be on its way out for the next 40 months of grey drizzle, because la la la it doesn't get below freezing in Europe, it just rains nbd

Apparently we came during the coldest year it's been in six years or something perfectly brilliant like that; of course, I only brought one sweatshirt, 2-3 longsleeves, and two coats - a trench coat, which is now missing a button (I still have it but don't know how to sew, so oops), and a Northface, which is the king of warmth but unfortunately does not sync up with the various cuts of my sweaters. It's going to be 34 degrees F/0 C the entire time we're there, so the Northface is probably the better idea - however, here comes the problem. 

We're going to Italy. 

I know that in Well, it's absolutely impossible to avoid being instantly recognized as An American College Student, primarily because we're the only actual college-age people here (whoops, sorry Linden boys; or as Dubliner Matthew so eloquently explained, "If she's got lights on her shoes, she's too young for you!"). However, I was hoping that while I may not necessarily osmose my way into Luccan society, it might at least be possible to meld, or perhaps blur, my intrusion. About that. I have kicked myself (repeatedly) for forgetting my brand-new knee-length winter coat - currently, it is snuggled away somewhere with the other winter coats, wondering quietly to itself what it may have done to make me not want it.

On the other end of the spectrum, I'm also kicking myself for not bringing a bathing suit. Guys, Spain is hot. We're going there in March. They have beaches in Spain. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME. Granted, I don't have a one-piece (yet), so maybe it's not that big a deal...
No it's still kind of a big deal

While it doesn't help that packing was interrupted by several hours of hilarity upstairs and Sweeney Todd (I forgot how gory it is, my god they must've used enough corn syrup to make McDonald's jealous), tonight was still pretty fantastic. I think people went out to the Linden but I honestly don't know; we were all joking around upstairs, making Lion King videos and whatnot. 

Yet again, we've reached that point where it's suddenly 1:30am. Oops.

So coat tragedies aside, this weekend should be fun. I'm going to a gorgeous town in a gorgeous country with awesome people, and let's face it: I'm a blond chick with a German spelling of a Jewish name who can barely speak Italian anyway - that disguise was not going to last very long.

Next update will be after Lucca, and then next week: Carneval in town. We're doing "Around Europe In Eighty Days," each of us dressing up as a country('s stereotype). Guess which country I picked.
As for Bella Italia, I suppose this means no more afternoon cappuccinos. Drat.

PS, To my coat, wherever you are:
Dear Winter Coat,
To quote 10 Things I Hate About You:
"I want you. I need you. Oh baby, oh baby."
Seriously though
It's freaking cold in Europe
We should hang out sometime


  1. "let's face it: I'm a blond chick with a German spelling of a Jewish name who can barely speak Italian anyway - that disguise was not going to last very long."

