Monday, January 23, 2012

Day 4: The Day of Questioning

You know what's awesome? Your Monday schedule involving a trip to the bakery (pizza roll and a half loaf of bread that makes my entire desk smell amazing), one class, and an hour long bike trip around the (entire) town with classmates. Said bike trip included a stop at the the Spar*, for stroopwafel, cookies, or (in my case) a small jar of Nutella that actually fits perfectly in my desk drawer. It's almost like they planned it. *Spar = the local grocery store

You know what's not awesome? Losing one of your new bracelets during said hour-long trip, then fruitlessly walking around for 20 minutes in the dusk looking for it with a flashlight.

However! There is something even more awesome than part one: One of your bike buddies saying "Oh my god we found it and put it on the rail next to the Spar!" Guess who's getting up wicked early tomorrow morning to find it? This kid.

In the meantime, we had three hours between dinner and the pre-Amsterdam info meeting - I'm finding some really awesome-looking places to visit in the Amsterdam Made By Hand book I got for Christmas two years ago too, so I have a wonderful list in the workings for cool places to go when we're released on Sunday. I've also been searching for tickets to Slovenia, but one of the only plane tickets I've seen is over €1000, so... maybe that could be a 21st birthday present from Dad or something, but definitely not right now.

I have to say, though, there is one food that I miss about America: hummus. I searched high and low through Spar for a savory spread to go on my bread (poet don'tcha know it) but couldn't find anything potentially what I wanted other than "Now Pizza!" which may or may not actually be a spread, it may just be a condiment like mustard or something and honestly who wants to eat plain mustard bread? Not me, that's who. Nutella it is, then.

We do have a communal fridge on the third floor but I'm not sure about leaving things up there; maybe next week I'll try putting some cheese and/or meat in there for the midday snacks and we'll see what happens, mold or midnight munchers or what.

Oh, and class was fine. Actually, I'm pretty excited about reading everything but wish I could've gotten a copy of Dante for myself; translating the pages or codes is one of my favorite aspects of reading books like that, particularly Beowulf. Turns out our professor does not like Beowulf and has never heard of Wishbone, so when I mentioned how I'd studied "Beowulf proper" but had always loved the Wishbone version, she needed a bit of an explanation. I forgot to mention Gaiman's "Bay Wolf," but that'll definitely come up in later discussions.

Oh! Picture:
The sun came out today!! At least for a bit, and then it was suddenly raining again, but after class it was gorgeous and sunny again until we got back - hence the bike ride, and hence the new rouging in my face. I am just so good at being outside!

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